Karmic Coaching for

Spiritual Seekers

Understanding & Healing Relationships

Karmic Coaching for

Spiritual Seekers

Understanding & Healing Relationships

Hi there, I'm Amalia...

a relationship guide + spiritual teacher + author

Would you like to...

Understand and accept all parts of yourself.

Find inner peace in the chaos of life.

Make decisions with confidence.

Release negative thoughts and emotions.

Experience wellness and vitality.

Deepen your self-awareness.

Embrace your life purpose and regain your enthusiasm.

Achieve a sense of fulfillment and balance in all areas of your life.

Navigate challenges with grace and ease.

Let's unveil the blueprint of your life, revealing your past fears, inherent talents, and fulfilling aspirations.

Armed with this knowledge, you can better align with your soul's intended path.  

Who is karmic Coaching For?

Anyone who wishes to tap into their innate strength, centeredness, and self-identity. Through various techniques including astrology, Soul Contracts, Human Design, hypnotherapy (RTT trained), clients will gain insights into their purpose, gifts, and challenges.

Soulful Life sessions create a sacred space for self-discovery, healing, and empowerment, helping individuals unlock their true potential and live a fulfilling and purposeful life.

Spiritual tools + Modalities

Soul Contracts

Human design



intuitive guidance

About Me

I adore conversations that expand my mind.

My happy place is the beach.

I am fiercely loyal.

My favorite beverage is cacao.

Karmic Coaching

Free Resources

Karmic Relationships

Karmic Coaching

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Karmic Relationships

Yes, please!

Clear the Karmic patterns holding you back and create a life you love.


Connecting with love and harmony + acknowledgement of the shadows brings you to YOUR truth.

And from this place you are able to THRIVE and co-create a magical life beyond your wildest dreams!

Here's a sampling of what we dive into during your personal Karmic Coaching session with me: Soul Contract Readings, Human Design, Hypnotherapy (RTT trained), Reiki & other forms of Energy Healing, a deeper & better understanding of YOU from an Astrological and Numerological perspective... and Intuitive Soul guidance!

Kind Words...

"Thank you, Amalia for always believing in me. You have a special gift and I appreciate you so very much!"

J. Creighton

"Amalia zeros in on the emotions and feelings behind what is going on, cuts through all the muck, busts through all the unnecessary conversation and regurgitation of situations that have nothing to do with the actual feelings/trauma/history. She is like a 'therapy-heat seeking missile'!"

K. Hersey

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