About Me

Learn more about why I started KarmicKindness

I am thrilled you found KarmicKindness and care to read a bit about me.

I am a mother of four, Sacred Partner of one and (hopefully) good friend to many! I am a perpetual student who LOVES all things that merge the spiritual + material.

Since I was a child, I've been fascinated with connections between the earth and the cosmos.

What I've discovered is that when we are living our lives in accordance with our Soul's plan, life tends to flow more seamlessly. It's almost like the Universe is supporting us on Earth through unseen energetic forces.

When events in my life turned upside down...

I doubled down on learning as much as I could about WHY things were happening and WHAT I could do to change my experience and outcome.

This led me down a path of self-discovery with plenty of bumps along the way, which is WHY I chose to share my experiential wisdom with you so your road can be a little less bumpy.

I dove headfirst into learning and experimenting.

Here are my areas of study which I use to support you:

(vibrational analysis of birth name)

Astrology Readings

(map of 64 attributes of consciousness)

Human Design

(map for living in sync with self)

Hypnotherapy (Certified)

(Rapid Transformational Therapy)

Flower + Plant Medicine

(LOTUSWEI is my brand of choice)

Meditation (Many Modalities)

(under Emily Fletcher, Deepak Chopra, etc.)


(Usui Reiki Master)


200RYT Yin (yoga teacher)

Oracle + Tarot Card Studies

(with Colette Baron-Reid, Kyle Gray, etc.)

Donna Eden Energy Medicine

Ho'oponopono Healing Certified

(with Dr. Joe Vitale and Dr. Hew Len)

Vimala Rodgers Alphabet

(handwriting practice that changes lives)

Numerology Studies

+ more!

I have also attended workshops at the Chopra Center learning from Deepak Chopra, Lynne Twist, Sarah McLean and others.

In need of some support?

My signature coaching program a Soulful Life™ encourages you to get deeply acquainted with your SoulSelf - that part of you that wishes for you to live the life you came here to live.

Why use my Soulful Life program?

Soulful Life™ programs and workshops help you reset and deeply understand yourself by blending spiritual and material perspectives. This process enables you to live authentically according to your Soul’s intentions, free from external expectations.

With personalized guidance, you’ll gain clarity on your true desires, empowering yourself and fostering transformative, deeply loving relationships.

KarmicKindness LLC

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