Free Resources

Meditations, Music, Astrology Birth Charts, Podcasts, Playlists & More

- Meditations -

Ideal Future Meditation + Insight Sheet

Relaxing & Clarifying Meditation to visualize

and anchor in your optimal future timeline!

Soul Glow Bundle

5 Days of journal prompts to access your

inner and outer "Glow'!

Meditation for Grounding

A short meditation to anchor you to Earth energies to accomplish more in your day.

Meditation for Sleep

A short meditation to support sleep. Easy way to drift off to dreamland in the comfort of your bed.

Heart Centered Meditation

Meditation focused on the energy of the heart. Get out of head...into heart.

- Personal Charts -

*Natal Birth Chart

Grab your chart and join Madelaine Parker and me for our Cosmic Chat - twice a month - where we share the astrological/cosmic forecast for each new and full moon!

*I have an affiliate partnership with offering the option to purchase their full report with detailed information about your stars.

*Synastry Chart

Relationship woes - either romantic, familial or professional? Snag your Synastry Chart for a broad relationship understanding.

*I have an affiliate partnership with offering the option to purchase their full report with detailed information about your relationship stars.

- Podcast -

SoulFull Sessions Podcast

Captivating Conversations with people making an impact to Nourish & Nurture your Soul.

SoulFull Sessions - Mindful Men Series

Interviews with men in their 20's - 60's speaking about mindfulness in their lives.

- Playlists -

Soulful Life - DANCE

Playlist of songs to move energy + your body!

Soulful Life - REFLECT

Playlist of songs for reflection and contemplation.

- We to Me Resources -

Resources from the book, We to Me: A Story of Love, Loss and Liberation

Downloads, courses, private Gathering space, freebies & more

Kindness Correspondence

Bi-monthly newsletter with astro-energy report + supportive practices & products

KarmicKindness LLC

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