We to Me
We (couple) to Me (self)
as part of your Hot Money Date!
What things do you LOVE to do?
What things did you LOVE to do as a child?
What are you PASSIONATE about?
*Jot down your thoughts and use them to craft a jumping off point for the next video.
You may be surprised by what emerges for you and how it begins to open up inspired ideas over time!
Want to learn more about the disentanglement process and the magic of the Universe?
We to Me: A Story of Love, Loss and Liberation is where you can find answers!
Has lost themselves in a relationship
Has given their power away and is ready to reclaim it
Feels there has to be more to life than what they are currently experiencing
Has experienced betrayal or infidelity within their committed partnership
Is struggling to decide whether to stay (or not) in a relationship
Sign up for We to Me book/program updates + simple strategies to foster a deeper relationship with yourself through a spiritual lens!